About Us
St Patrick’s is a Catholic Parish centred on Beenleigh and the surrounding regions. As a diverse, vibrant and welcoming community, we celebrate this year our 60th anniversary in a spirit that seeks to promote God’s love for all his children and remember those that have made our parish unique.
Our community offers many avenues through which the gospel can be lived in the world. The many prayer groups both formal and informal offer parishioners time away from the stresses of modern life allowing them to reconnect with their God.
Likewise, the parish seeks to live out the Christian tradition of service and outreach particularly to the most disadvantaged in our society. Groups such as the Care and Concern group, Rosie’s homeless outreach and St. Vincent de Paul’s are a poignant and visual sign that faith still has an essential and practical role in our world.
While St. Patrick’s is a practical Church it is also a living one as well, with a deep multicultural tradition, one that we celebrate through our many social communities and youth outreach programs. No where is this more evident however, then at the annual multicultural day Mass and celebrations, when we gather as separate cultures unified by our shared faith.
St Patrick's continues to offer a unique way to engage with Christ, one in which all are welcomed and have a place.
We hope to see you soon.
God Bless !