- Visiting the housebound and Residents at Nursing Homes
Our parish is blessed. We have several parishioners, who as lay Eucharist ministers, take the Eucharist to people in their homes - people who for one reason or another are unable to attend mass. In addition to these visits, lay Eucharistic ministers also take the Eucharist to residents in Nursing Homes and other Aged Care facilities in our area.
This wonderful Ministry has been a part of St Patrick’s Parish for many years. Some ministers say that it is an honour and privilege to serve as they feel that they receive so much more than they give. Ministers go with an open heart and ready smile and are the human bridge to St Patrick’s Parish. These ministers are the Church in action, from a Parish that cares and love those who are not able to join us at Mass but are still valued and important members of our Parish. The recipients are most appreciative and do look forward to these visits.
Currently, our ministers visit the following Nursing Homes and Aged Care Facilities either weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Our Parish Priest also celebrates Mass on a monthly basis at the various Nursing Homes - times and dates are published in our weekly news bulletin:
- Pimpama Nursing Home
- Jimbelunga Nursing Centre
- Beenleigh Nursing Home
- Bethania Gardens Nursing Centre
- Bethania Haven
- Connolly Court, Eden’s Landing
- Woodbeck Village
- Palm Lakes Resort, Waterford
- Palm Lakes Aged Care, Bethania
Please contact the Parish Office if you would like to be part of this important ministry.
- Welcome to
St. Patricks Parish